Sunday, January 25, 2009


I am Linda. I have 26 adult male students of varying ages and would like to gain insight into and ideas for giving the very best preparation for the GED possible. I hope my experience can be helpful to another educator of adults. Is the math portion of the GED the most difficult for most students? Does anyone get any feedback into the cause of the results of their student's GED scores? Thanks for your time!

1 comment:

Wendell Dryden said...

Hi Linda.

It's my experience that math is the easiest of the GED skill-sets to acquire (even though everybody worries about it). The 'rules' are regular - no exceptions in math! - and mostly sensible.

On the other hand, reading and writing (esp. grammar) are subjects where learners really need to work hard over the long-term. Woe betide the math-wiz who "hates to writes" and thinks "reading is boring".

As for feedback: GED results are most mysterious, as are the always contradictory reports from learners who just wrote... the ones who swear there were no fractions on the math test, but can't remember the essay topic.

Best wishes.